Monday, January 10, 2011

Meltdown to Magnificent: Intro & Chapter 1- Michael The Sailor

As a woman and a writer it is fitting that I write for the whole world to see. This is just a part of what makes our world tick tock and is specifically a treatise for my sisters who are now online looking for love.

Men these days are different and as a self appointed member of monarchy myself LOL I am looking for and not settling for less than the king himself. What and whom is that King?

The King is whomever he wants to be. A normal wonderful confident man who is at least open to clearing his closet for someone like me. We all have baggage but some carry it better than others and some finally figure out that no one else is responsible and does not have to be exposed or found guilty of someone else's issues.

Like the book "Eat Pray Love " which I loved and highly recommend we are all here to allow God to dwell in us. That whole movie was about God expressing through us and how he/she wants to be loved to experience love through each and every one of us. So there, I said it. God wants us to have relationships and rise above to reach the highest love.

Today ladies I answered a sweet and very handsome man back who at first caught my eye as a person and not research. I must admit I was interested but a bit shaken with his reference to his ex wife's infidelity right off the bait on HIS profile. I just wanted to shake him and say Honey, I am not that unfaithful woman-Baby I am a good one. Please remove that shirt you are wearing that says" victim" .

At my best I did answer him back a final message with advice and love so that maybe he will get it. Maybe he will accept his responsibility in what happened to him as we all must. What prompted my last response to him with Plenty of Fish online dating was that when I sent him an honest interest response he sent me one back of " yes when I find my wife I will use your gift for this". OMG how insensitive is that, he will use my luck I gave him to find someone else. Is that sad or what. Does he now see I was interested and a great catch?
Guess not ladies so here goes my response to Michael the Sailor who thanked me for the gift I sent of caring to give to someone else:

"Dear Sailor that is good to sail in the sand but not to bury your heart or head there.
Better way to find love is awareness, kindness for we never know who we are talking too and what they have been through. Truly that is a small part. For to really love you must focus on your new life, with that new person and maybe mention once what happened, not more.

Darling I am a writer so please accept that I am here for that purpose. I am open to that alpha male but am also driven, focused but there is a difference between us. What is that?

My darling it is called awareness and kindness. First I am kind to myself by being honest.
Second to say to one woman that you are looking for another is a bit hurtful and I am sorry you have not met me because the picture does not do me justice and both inside and out I am beautiful, for real and normal unlike some here.

I had hoped you would take the time to get to know me, now that will not happen because I will not let that happen. I am opening a center here called Quantum Leap Sanctuary a healing, self love spa and youth center.
Never my dear portray yourself as victim because you will attract that. No matter what happens you must be private about your ex infidelity's till you meet that wonderful other person. I know that you are hurt so was I.
I was the one on the receiving end of a focused, driven heartless Libra. He even stole my children who have since returned. In time he grew to be a great father at the risk of us almost losing one of our children from the trauma of the divorce.
So guard yourself and your children because not all here are as loving and good as I am. :Like King Solomon I was the mother who sacrificed all to save her children and for my ex to be successful. Sacrificing? That included being in a coma, almost losing my life to save my son, my beautiful curly red locks hair falling out last year which is now growing nicely. Picture on my blog.
The Boat that passed you by

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