Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I wrote this in 2006, in a trance..Yes I am Trance writer wow I love my own stuff...LOL

JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR                                                                                        "Man can not fulfill his full potential while he is Fixated on his daily struggle to survive. When one is no longer Fixated on this struggle, he is free to pursue other endeavors." 

Welcome. Here is where you get results. David Cameron states it beautifully. He says it all starts by understanding your world. Here you will understand your world and how to create with the Energy Source. Are willing to learn from the best of the best out there who teach wealth consciousness? Sure you are cause this is what yo have been looking for.

Want to be rich, prosperous? Healthy? You've come to the right  place. How do you connect with your frequency for health? Frequency for wealth ?

This site was designed with the intention to end all confusion, conflicts and eliminate obstacles that prevented you from your state of BEING able to manifest all of your dreams ,goals and wishes. Here is the Best of the Best. The top coaches in their fields who are getting results. Results you deserve. Here is where the buck stops with information overload and a streamlined connection to THE ENERGY SOURCE begins. Here and now.

Brad Yates  & Jo Vitale from  MONEY BEYOND BELIEF state it beautifully to achieve wealth frequency and have money beyond belief:

Every issue that you have exists because your subconscious wants to protect you. It's not your fault. It's just that part of you is being very meticulous about staying safe.

Imagine if you could reprogram your brain
and create an "Abundance Operating
System" that made the impossible seem
 You see, Quantum Physics tells us that everything in the universe is really just "pockets" of energy that flash on and off. What's more, all of these little pockets are mere potentials. 

Lets start cooking up a new you with these packets of pockets shall we? This is the kitchen where you create the recipes of success , where you place your order to the universe and it delivers .
There was no need to reinvent the wheel. There are experts and honest loving, wealthy consciousness people who have the skills, the answers YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR.
My passion is to connect you to those people, programs, seminars and anything you choose to create. Now you will have those skills to do just that.

Most are Free. Free means a blessing to you. Not cheap.

Lets say the buck stops here. Everything and everyone who can add value to your life  has contributed here for the single purpose to help you find and achieve your dreams.

Goals, dreams  are simply vibrations you choose. Yes. You choose what you want to create . How do you do this?

Well, the truth is we are VIBRATIONAL TRANSMITTERS. But as important as   transmitters we  are  VIBRATIONAL  RECEIVERS. The reap what you so concept.Learning to use our transmitters correctly we must learn to resonate with what we want.

Quantum physics confers this . The process initiates always at the wish, the dream, the goal by our thoughts and beliefs of what is important to us.So what is import-ant. To you? The purpose of your being?

Guess what.  We are here for just one reason.
That reason is to be happy. To practice at our skills at being “creators”. That is our mission.

Why do you want  to be rich? Ask yourself why? Is it for the status, is it for the enjoyment of expensive homes, cars or whatever else money can buy? Why do you want that special someone in your life? Simple . You want to feel joy and happiness.

Yes you are a  creator  sent here to do just that ..create. You want these things because the question behind the question is that you are seeking only one thing. .Happiness.
So how does someone create to make the objects appear to have this happiness ? How does the inner manifest into the outer? You’re here now.That’s the first step.

What is that process, what does it take to get what you want in this lifetime? CHOICES AND AGREEMENTS YOU MAKE WITH YOURSELF by becoming
One with the goal, the dream the wish.

What prevents you are the CONVERSATIONS IN PROGRESS. Conversations you create through  your thoughts, words and feelings and  beliefs. Conversations from your cellular memory .  In the beginning there was the word and God breathed air into it. And it created.
Hey this is not joke . This is as for real as you can get. Remember this always.

You see you are a walking talking tower of Bable. Bable was the tower that was created initially for everyone with a common goal. Initially they all spoke the same language. But due to their lack of  acceptance of their own divinity   everyone started speaking in different tongues and could not understand each others.
YOU ARE STILL SPEAKING IN DIFFERENT TONGUES. In order for you to communicate with your creative mind that makes everything happen you must become aware what conversations are going on.

How do you determine what conversations are going on ? Which ones create what you want and which ones are preventing you from that?

Yes you are a  creator  sent here to do just that ..create. You want these things because the question behind the question is that you are seeking only one thing. .Happiness.

So how does someone create to make the objects appear to have this happiness. What is that process, what does it take to get what you want in this lifetime?
Easy. That easy. Again, You must become one with the goal, the dream the wish. You must vibrate at the same rate as the dream wish, goal.
Learn here: 


Discovering the Inner Powers of Hawaiian Healing

Huna kupua- the ancient Polynesian system for health and inner transformation,

The Adventurer's Quest brings an ancient view of healing inner conflicts to the forefront of the conscious mind. It releases innate powers that all people possess, giving examples and techniques on enhancing these abilities to change one's old beliefs to a new, more effective means of working with life's challenges. The quest is to realize that everything is at our fingertips and to find practical ways to get it. Sharing these steps to personal power, love and achievement is your gift from The Adventurer's Quest.
  2. Discovering the “Conversation in progress”  is not enough. Now it is Essential to develop consistency. Taking specific actions, new words, thoughts that  launch you like a rocket into  Automatic manifest. Yes, every step, every move you make is specific to your goal. Your target…or bust…this you will learn at Mind master, internet guru and I love to call him Mark Joyner “off the charts” anyone with any sense of success quotes Mark, associates with Mark Joyner and learns from the best. You need this course to make any kind of changes stick.
  3. Life is not what we learn it is what we ALLOW. Yes allow. I could help you , guide you to stick thoughts and words up your ying yang but unless your are willing we will get nowhere. There’s the train just sitting on the track. Ever feel this way..Ok you’ve read this far so you have. Next step: Your MIND- SET must be open to receive. How many stories have you heard of people, maybe yourself who achieve great wealth and lose it all. Why? Why do these fortunate few blow it? Yes your getting it…Lack of Allow- hence no actually long-term life changes.
This is how you fix this get this book ” Be open to receive”, by Catherine Ponder” and this one. Edween GAINES, ONE of the  most prized and cherished teachers on prosperity will guide you to truth and laughter , tears and results.Edwene Gaines the best prosperity mentor on the planet.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meltdown to Magnificent.. In the beginning...Tho must Feng Shui thyself

 "If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain "
" I didn't say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth."
We've survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys. Which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them. 
I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.  

In the beginning we were all created with the same nervous system that functions to this day in the same way. Lets start there.

Now this same nervous system has as its communication system  the liquid the goo of all our thoughts inner, outer and yes the thoughts of those around us or energetically picking up on the signal, our transmitters, our radio station.. FM 100 ME.

So now with that in mind, LOL and throughout our entire body and being are these embedded karmic emotions both known and unknown to us on a conscious and sub conscious level. Lets say many of us know this. True. But to know is one thing and to change this process or rather to upgrade YOU is another story.

Ok. So here is the true story above about the science factors. Now for the not yet known , which are getting proven everyday to be the real determinants of our karma. Consider we are here as image makers, creators. And in this creation every single cell in our body has all information.When we create these children within us, we give it human parentage.I used to think of them as children, my children I created, but some of these kids within us grow up and get pretty pesky, loud and inner speak violence at times.

So , since I AM, and have always been a solution based person I came up with some techniques that will sure fire, right as rain take you from meltdown to magnificent. 

Think of your life as a set of icons on your life computer. Everything you do and others in your life click on these icons. They trigger and run the program . That is when you realize you are out of control. They have pushed your buttons, your ICONS and run the program without your consent in your body.   "Oh no you didnt go there" ahahh. 
So if you have ever experienced this take heart it can change. It will take some effort on your part. Make yourself the priority. 

Start here: You must understand from the depths of you that you will need to go down the rabbit hole. I mean deep down. Never ever go down without a lifeline. You may get stuck in all your crap and never come out. That is why people have anxiety attacks. 

Process: The lifeline is to take responsibility for all your shit. I mean all of it. Until you do you are the porta potty. You own it you created it, these are your kids, grown , not grown, nasty mean thoughts kids, viciousness adult kids, autistic kids, sociopath kids and adults you gave human parentage too   Yes you got them all. So accept and forgive yourself. I mean not like a victim thing. You must be open to receive this . You will get to love this process just this part is an ouchy. Yes you sweet creator time to recreate.

Next face your I am sorry ass to a mirror and say to yourself, I LOVE YOU, I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND THANK YOU.  What that will do is to open you to receive Love of yourself ( you will need this big time), forgiveness for yourself, "I am sorry" will allow you to take responsibility for this, and last and most important GRATITUDE. The word gratitude is grace . It represents the grace of God. It releases you from human bondage because for the first time you are no longer a victim. You are grateful which magnetizes goodness, it transmits good frequency and allows you to receive higher more productive frequencies.You can also find an old picture of yourself and say this that works too.

Then you become the landlord of your home, your body mind. You have been the manager all along and did not even know it. This is your damn house and anybody, any energies that you allowed to live there within you are living there rent free inside you sucking you up. 
SOOOOOOOOOO like any good landlord of the slums.. EVICT THEM. Hand each and everyone you got, you can find, you can think of or have blamed for screwing up your life and give them a notice. 24 hr , 72 whatever you think you need. 

You then become the inner sheriff and enforce this. 
THIS IS VITAL: When ever you evict you must replace or a void is created that is set up with the same frequencies to attract all over gain. You will get the same type of inner slum tenant living within back unless you are fully aware of this.
The eviction notice must be kind, You are here in violation of keeping me form getting rich etc etc. you are here in violation for my being fat your are get the picture. . 

Now you must stop being a slum landlord and get better quality tenants. That will take work and  time but since you are the leasing manager of your life and you created the space they live in at least have some respect for the good they provided. There is always good. There is always benefit whether you see it now or later. 

Take for example the wife whose husband left her unexpectedly. She is and has been perilously angry, degraded. So she determines to get a makeover figuratively. She becomes so beautiful and that ex drove her to push herself further. To go back to school, to become all the things he thought she was not. Amazing. See know you are grateful for the son of a bitch and maybe you are not even calling him names.

Then you can practice every night with all your days events demagnetizing the ones you have that day. Change the story of how it happened. Every day you must do this before you rest. This stops you from creating naughty feelings and thoughts even if you have had a bad day. You see that bad day creates too and will attract more for your porta potty if you do not handle it like this. It attracts the frequencies like itself.

Lastly and most important as well, hug yourself. I mean hug yourself. Not others hugging you, hug yourself. Pat your self on the back, on the ass whatever you feel makes you feel rewarded. Do something good for yourself everyday just for the effort you are putting forth. Take a long hot bath. 
Then blank out. I mean go see a movie, a play, the opera, hiking , a concert. Do something fun. Or just lay in your PJ's loving yourself in your new home you created.

You are basically cleaning up your neuro network, resetting the secretions for optimum life function. Or to put in Feng Shui terms you are allowing chi to flow within, you are Feng shuing yourself. From ghetto to great. Yes baby it works. 

Next I will write about what you must do to ADD or subtract such as friends, jobs, situations and close their account to your emotional bank. Face it many of us have friends  or associate's that overdrafts us in one way or another. To them you will put them on notice of an overdraft. Since you set the rules to your life bank you can close their account up permanently or they will need to keep their account in your life in good standing. 

I have also found Nalalie Ledwel, Rikka Zimmerman, Neville Goddard and especially John Dupuy brainwave technology to make this process faster and very effective. Do check them out . Meditation is key to calming your mind, the monkey mind. 

John Dupuy of IAwake technologies will send you a free brain wave download to make the process easier. John said and I quote " The more coherent your entire system, the easier it is to cut through mental and emotional chaos. It can be like having your whole energetic system focused like a laser beam. The highly coherent biofield signals create a field that naturally attracts higher order and complexity out of chaos. " Meditation practice is like an emotional and spiritual roto-rooter."

I will write more about this but start here. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Is there a Mad Hatter in your life?
The Mad hatters, we have all met them, lived with them, worked with them and just want to get away from them. You know the ones that distract you from your life. It’s like they do not have a real life of their own. “Look at me, pay attention to me types.” Infested with the Narcissistic virus “you are now captured, clinging like the dingle berry. Good grief, it has got to stop. 

How to recognize if you have one or several of these wacko bunnies messing with you in your enviromenet. The signs are all around. You are normally punctual, they make you late. You pay your bills on time, they don't  They lie, make excuses and smear your life. Just what the hell is wrong with this picture? But you can’t quite put your finger on it. Like a bad meal that upsets your stomach but you cannot remember what you ate that did it. That is Mad-Hatter

The Mad-hatters Types
The micro managing boss that looks for the spec of evidence on your desk that you were not giving every minute of your breathing to work there LOL. Oh please explain to me why you took such a long potty break? Years ago I came real close to describing just why I had the runs every time I looked at my micro boss and how they could benefit the world and flush themselves down the toilet.  

Or the boyfriend who drags you down the rabbit hole so many times you’re like on this frickin roller coaster up and down emotionally, sexually and spiritually. That was fun at first. Then you wake up feeling addicted to them. This one is the tricky one to get away from. They are sooo good at “THAT” you wish they could just keep their mouth shut while you are in the delight of the act. Or better yet offer them a sock. I did once. I said “baby you know I am a little kinky, how about I put a sock in your mouth that really excites me” ahah the idiot bought it. !!!

Let’s not miss the one child who causes so much drama in your life you wonder if you had remembered to change their poopy diapers when they were babies. This is a rough one as there are so many questions you ask yourself. You beat your sweet brain delving like hawks fishing in the ocean “why, what did I do that they are pulling my mommy strings? Why me? Why don’t they push someone else’s strings?
You try to point just what the hell is wrong with the picture but can’t quite put your finger on it. This one is best handled like I did. Say in as pleasant a voice (yes I know you want to tell them off but don’t) say “honey in all fairness to my other children, yes I have other children remember your other brothers and sisters I cannot devote my entire life paying attention to mostly you,” that is not fair , I have other kids too . That line works pretty good.

Or the drama roommate. I call them affectionately “Draino.”The kind that manipulates you. They are infested with the Narcissistic virus and every moment of your waking life is to serve >>> them. Yes they ask you for advice. You offer, they totally ignore what you said. When it comes to paying the bills you are politely texting, calling trying to be responsible and they pull you down the rabbit hole. You’re like “ Wow do I need to help you be an adult?”
Be careful this is a nasty Mad Hatter. Difficult to get rid of but you have to. They force you to smudge your house and yourself over and over . They appear as Mad hatters but they are MAD HATERS. The victim lack of gratitude stench is all over them.  The world owes them. You just happen to be their world at the moment.  You have to transition these types out of your life. You can’t just get rid of them they are karma Carpet Baggers. In no way would I recommend doing the Madam Dufarge from the Tale of two Cities  “Guillotine , guillotine  off with their  heads . This will just bring another in your life. The best way to fight their virus is gratitude. Say thank you, I appreciate the karmic lesson. Or better yet pray for their happiness “away from you.”  Chant that they find their perfect roommate that is happy to eat their needy soup. You do not want another bowl. No thank you.

I am fortunate enough to have a new roommate now that brings her big girl panties with her. Yippie  

My King Arthur and I did this ping pong thing at first. I must confess I was so busy I really could not answer his calls some times. I would actually disconnect my phone. OR blow heavily into it like there was static. Shit, one time I actually carried a paper bag and crunched it as we were speaking on the cell. “Honey I can’t hear you. Baby what did you say?” Hahah I can be such an eccentric independent bitch to a fault. He is just a passionate guy. I said once that the only thing I wanted clinging to me is my panties. He actually saw through all my crap and said to me point blank” Mama, you can plug your cell phone up your ass to make sure it is charged from now on.” Opps busted. He is now my forever bunny honey.

Good luck with all this.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prize Fighter

Hurt? Be the Prize fighter

Have you thought that right after a break up, a divorce, an abandoned situation or a he/she just left me for no reason how vulnerable that makes you?
Thinking or maybe not, acting out is more likely what will happen next. How not to be rebound food. 

So you have been dumped, lost your love, your job or whatever then what happens next?

Something very vital must happen if you are to heal and heal sufficiently. To not rebound or take your drama baggage frequency and create another relationship like the one you had means being good to yourself now more than ever. It starts with an understanding that your are now in the ring . You must fight to get up, fight to make it work, fight to keep up your pretend for now self esteem in tact.

The Prize fighter spends all his/her life training and after a win or loss gathers themselves up and does it again . You are the same, no need to throw yourself under the buss. Trust me there will be others who with very little motivation are happy to oblige you. Start your new life with your middle finger waiting for them. 

Most important of all these things  is you must be kind to yourself, and not blaming yourself or judging that will keep you out of the victim triangle. Another vital survival tool is to respect time. You will recover, you were born without this person and you survived just fine before they were in your life. 

Expectations: Don't expect to get in the ring and win the first fight. That will take time. But by all means do get in the ring. Drop..Stop and drop you are not ready to win the fight you may get knocked out after a few rounds. But do get in the ring. You may only go a few rounds. be your corner manager, know when to ring the bell. retreat and fight again. You can do it. I promise

Now you can and must  become your own hero.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SPIRITUAL PROCTOLOGY 101- Clear the path

The Fuse Box

I was baffled. I could not figure out or see how significant the event was when my fuse box in my car got wet and it caused all kinds of car problems. There I stood in the rain getting soaked and wet in the windy Oregon coast removing the black cable from my car battery hopeful with the slim chance my car would start later. Now I understand when they say “ all is perfect and is as it should be.” At that time it sure did not feel like it. I came from a warm climate and was now freezing my ass at the beautiful coast. Why? Well I love my children they are here and I am so happy to be closer to them than 2000 miles away. Resolved not to give in to victim mentality I embraced the I can do this,  there is a reason , a good one I just do not know what it is yet. 

We call an event like this in Buddhism conspicuous and inconspicuous. That which is revealed now for your benefit and that which is revealed later, when it’s the right time.

For years I have studied with the masters, from the masters and the life of the masters, mentors, teachers from all walks of life. The Secret, the Hunna's. Well read in metaphysics, wealth consciousness, quantum physics scholar. That is good. However, nothing satisfied my thirst for answers until now. Not even the flowery, feel gooders in denial. You know the type, the Mr. Magoo type. I found them wasteful literally full of waste and trying to smell pretty using cute new age words. It stunk.
There are two mentors in my life which for two different reasons had a significant impact on my life. It changed me, right away with what they taught me.

One was Neville Goddard; his wisdom helped to create many mentors all over the world who achieved a higher life condition. Some of these mentors are from the movie The Secret and millions of others who have become successful. You can Google him .

The other is my friend the Grizzly who took me in when I was homeless. Grizzly taught me that regardless of how I felt about a situation I was going to arrive, get there anyway. So his wise words were since you are going to get there anyway may as well get there not stressed.

It is clear there is an  answer for everyone about everything for health, happiness, wealth. Yes I said everyone!!

Now that you read that how does that make you feel? Are you shocked? Do you think this is bullshit? Do you believe there are answers for your problem? Hell yes there are. . 

Here I give you the answers to life's most pressing issues, YOUR LIFE ANSWERS. Here is the recipe, unlike any recipe you have ever cooked; you are now cooking up an answer, a solution.

Ingredients: be present, be conscience, stick the denial in a drawer or up your patonka for a minute OK?

Take a problem, a worry, a concern, anything that you feel is pressing in your life,   in EFT emotional release technique it is called the MPI most pressing problem. Ok got stress about a problem an issue is it weight loss, lack of self esteem, financial safety? Good. Hold on to your hats honey.

Now know this: Every problem originated somewhere right? It had to have a beginning otherwise it is a dilemma, not a problem. A problem, an obstacle is a series of dilemmas, failed actions failed behaviors to correct the problem. For God’s sake something had to happen to create it.  

 Now I am going to show you how to get rid of it right now? And you of course you say" How do I do that" Or you tell me to go to hell, or whatever. Basically saying in a possessive way, YOU KNOW WHAT< THIS IS MY PROBLEM NOT YOURS OK? My answer to that is you have just accepted your problem, taken ownership of it and intensified your reasons for keeping it. Good luck with that.

Why have I taken you here so far? Simple
Within every problem is the solution, yes I said that. Look at Spontaneous healing . This confirms that years of disease or anything else can be removed instantly. Instantly because the cure was within the disease. Finally this phenomena confirms when a out of the clear blue sky a dying person or a supposedly dead person revives and comes back healthy and better than before. 

What amazes me is that this person had to suffer or actually die before they got it. Everything, absolutely everything that is to your well being is given to you. It all ready is there for you. God, the Universe, the Buddha (you) has provided it for you. One more time dear- Within the problem is the solution. But and a big BUTT why do you not see it, feel it, remove the stress or obstacle? Simple .. you are not open to receive.

If you have hurt or pain over a passing of a loved one are you open to receive what could stop your hurt or pain? If I gave you the solution to weight loss would you accept it?

Not really. Why? You are not at the frequency to be open to receive it. Your problem, stress, or issue creates a block, physically in your body. A headache sore spot at times, an illness. It is communicating with you for you to stop or start something yet you ignore it until it becomes critical.

Stay with me.

The Chinese of course set us up with the existence of meridians. Those meridians confirm pathways. Not just pathways, optimum function pathways . Think about it. Your are electrical and every day we are hooked up to any machines at a doctor’s office or anywhere try telling me you are not electrical? Then what are they recording  coming from your body?

So here it is. EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. This technique clears the stress the pathways, the issues, one by one. It makes the fuse box work. It starts with the MPI of your choice. MPI = most pressing issue.

Today is 2/11/2013 I am starting today to become the best me I all ready am, now open to receive to what I ask for from my heart and soul. Watch me make it happen. MPI most pressing issue #1 financial stability, security, safety, above and beyond discretionary income. Wealthy. Watch me…

Sunday, January 20, 2013

King Arthur / Lancelot Syndrome

Love gives and gives some more... Lust takes and takes some more. 
I will always show my support and you can count on me to what you say is important to you. Why do you think  you should treat me differently? Why is what is important to me not matter to you? That is not fair. Be fair

Most  women have what I call the King Arthur, Lancelot syndrome. You stay with Arthur as he brings the highest most noblest ideas and goals from our lives and helps guide them to fruition. We must have this . This is essential to our brain functions and hearts to function well. The ONE. The one who you know if you were sick would carry you, wipe you, feed you love you, sail a thousand ships for you. Arthur.

Then there is Lancelot. You know the one you are drawn to... that insatiable power, desire to be one with him. He can  have some Arthur qualities but your body mind must have this man. Often is preferable and possible.

So herein lies the conflict with many of us women. How can we ever be happy with both? Can we have both? 

Men do it all the time. They have Mistress they bang but will not leave their wives. Some actually respect both, each has their function. Problems occur when one attempts  to step away from the  role she has agreed to play and now wants to be the wife, or the wife tries to act like the mistress.

The same rules  apply to us as women with the King Arthur-Lancelot syndrome.  Which one do we choose? Which one will gives us ultimate happiness? While waiting for Mr. Both do we accept our fates and throw  the towel for the good guy in and  play with the bad boy? 

Here are some life rules that will help. Lancelot is not the bad boy. In fact he gives you a sense of calm and pleasure as essential to your well being as understanding is.Can you have both? Yes. Treat Arthur like the bad boy ( if you are attracted to him ). A smart man is easier to convince than one who thinks primarily with their loins . Get him to play ball (LOL) . Change the frequency up a bit.

It will be easier to convince a smart good man to be more like your lover than to get Lancelot to convert to best friend ,smart man mode.  
You can if you wish be risky and have both. Arthur will not take well if he finds out. Lancelot hates himself in the morning but bangs you over again. 

While healing from this syndrome we as women must remember that men have been doing this for centuries. They are good at it. We are just taking baby steps to getting what we want and need.

History has shown that King  Henry made all efforts to make Ann Boleyn his queen , which is what she wanted. And? off came the neck anyway. 
How badly do you want Lancelot that you will risk losing Arthur? Only you can make that decision.

Saturday, January 12, 2013



I was giving serious thought to how I feel about what karma is and if and when it is a as others understand , the culmination of effects for said acts, deeds, frequency boomerangs.

So far deep in my soul I feel that we must at times be Thor. You know the one with the hammer who pounds on things. Well at times we are the KARMA we are the one chosen out of so many to exhort, give and punish the one  who deserves it. To walk away when you have been chosen to be THE KARMA  is seriously wrong. To indulge yourself with excuses as “ well they will get theirs” hey  have you ever thought that that means you? You are the one who is meant to be the karma. Not for a second should you quiver in letting them have it if and when you feel the Thor in your soul. I have felt the Thor in my soul and my hammer has hit hard. To be less do less is a cowardly.

I am reminded at times how a man feels when he walks away from a fight. Do you honestly think he is not kicking the other guys ass in his head and regretting not punching his lights out? He is.There is only Yoda, " Do or do not, there is no try". Spending endless time wondering if only you had is worse to your soul  and self esteem than if you did it ..done . All that regret creates angst. And that angst hammers your soul over and over, you literally punish yourself for the acts of others. Does that make sense? Nope.

Then there is the smug feeling when the one whose done you wrong gets it. Come on ..admit it you feel good they got there's right? The frequency fallen must crawl right? Well sometimes. Seriously there have been unfortunate things happening to seemingly good people. I have seen this over the years and have come to this conclusion: Its all related to your inner outer state, your chit chat, how you speak to yourself and and expect of yourself. When it happens to innocent beings who cannot protect themselves I have yet to find answers so my response is to be THOR, to protect them or myself.

The smirk on my face when others get it is priceless. It looks like the smug smile on Harold from Harold and Maude movie after he finally manages to get a reaction from his narcissistic mother after he tries to commit suicide over and over to get her to care about him as much as himself. What Harold finally did in the movie was to just do what makes him happiest, regardless as to how weird , morbid or gross it appeared to others. this is where he raised his frequency by loving an 80 year old woman who has come to appreciate life. Harold's whole life had been morbid, seeking death. He now finds his love, an 80 year old woman who loves and appreciates life.  Harold's karma: To love and be grateful of his and the life of others ,all living entities, music, plants. See when you stop being concerned at times about teaching a lesson to the other person and just enjoying your life and screw them that is when magic happens too. That is the moment that you free yourself and they , the karma poopie traitor grabs his/her ankles and gets it in the backside elbow first. Yeah now that's a visual to soothe a "done wrong to me song". LOL 

Lets look at the pretend to be nice to those that hurt you thing instaed of letting them have it. All that honey and nice nice  will get you spice and goodies , benefits etc  is a crock. You can “pretend the sugar and nice and spice “, which is what most hypocrites do and cause more harm than good. I would rather be Thor , swift , pound and to the point, no mercy. Only a God can use Thors hammer , and I am that God at times. Just like Jesus who threw them out of the temple this is the me, the justified, they are going to get it and hell no I am not waiting for their karma.. I AM THEIR KARMA.

To psycho roommates like Leann in Arizona,, pretend friends ( they know who they are) , ex boyfriends, ex coworkers who stood for nothing are good for nothing. I say look out  I am back and you will get it. No threat, promise.  

After its all done I have  moments watching lace butterflies soothe my  soul . Amen I have done this. Lace butterflies fluttering in my mind, before  my eyes and calming me the hell down. Oddles of colorful butterflies with lace like wings in beautiful patterns .It is in these reflective moments that maybe all seems right with the world and energy is moving in joyful dancing . I dance my victory. I dance with the butterflies knowing I made no excuses, I was the one, the one and only who could teach them not to cross those boundaries again.