Monday, December 27, 2010

Life's GPS

Did you ever wish to know exactly where you are and where you are going in every aspect of your life?
Now you can.

I have researched this for 30 years and here is what will make a difference in your life.
There is a life Compass and you can recognize what and where you are based on certain factors. Once you know you can change them.

First you must know. Then you must choose.

Built in within the universe are common denominators. Things that both continue to happen or people and places that you return to , think about or refer too.

It takes awareness of these factors and here is how you can determine where you are and where you choose to be and whom you choose to be.

We have many writers throughout history and they all say the same thing: THE PRESENT IS THE POINT OF POWER. That is more than awareness , this must be pure self inventory.
The Egyptians knew this. Over a massive pyramid they wrote : MAN ,KNOW THYSELF . If I were to write this today I would write Woman and Man, know thyself.
Let’s take it one step further. Everything is energy and energy vibrates and has frequency.
Each zodiac sign has and vibrates at a certain frequency.
Each numerological sign has frequency.
What you are going through has a frequency, each thing you want to accomplish also has frequency because your thoughts can be measured and now are.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ok what exactly does that mean and how does it relate to you?

Here is an example;
After many years away I returned to Portland and felt like I never had left. Some of my friends had not grown or changed a bit, some were open to change but after meeting me again they realized they were either living at the fulcrum or headed on a downward spiral. These same friends and acquaintances were living their lives unaware. I was of course was awake.

At first I had no interests in their lives for I felt they were responsible for their own. Then a miracle happened again in my life. I came to understand that they meant more to me and I too them, we were really each other’s mirror.

As I looked at myself in their mirror I saw and felt good about the changes I had made in my life and assured them they would not corrupt me unless I wanted them too. As they looked at themselves in my mirror they saw how much more they could be living life, there was than the next bar, the next lay and that their lives were precious. Indeed they are beautiful and phenomenal.

My new roommate referred me to another friend of hers whom I had not met. She was wheel chair bound. I had committed to help her during the week with cleaning and cooking.
What was interesting was that during my interview I discovered that my interviewer was responsible for getting an ex boss of mine fired who incidentally many years ago fired me unjustifiably.
We all seem to dismiss this with "Oh small world isn’t it. But it is more than this. Not that the world is small it is that you attracted this person to fulfill something in you and you in them. Like you had vacant apartment in your heart that finally was being rented.

There I was at the interview happy to take the job. I was dumb struck. Unbelievable!! The lady I was going to be working for had fulfilled my life by being my karmic avenger against my ex boss. I was of course so grateful to her for what she had done for me and yet did not know me. Is that crazy or what?
It all began to make sense. Everything in my life, why I choose to live where I lived, what I choose to focus on.
Over the years I discovered a perfect system of order and manifestation. It was so precise that I was even floored on many occasions as to how and why it worked perfectly.

How to tell where you are. It starts with awareness but becomes more. It must become SELF INVENTORY.

1. Pay attention to the astrological signs coming into your life especially if they come into your life in droves. If you meet a lot of Scorpios for example in your life it means something very profound. Scorpio is the greatest example of the use of power in every aspect. Or maybe you may be attracting a very adept intimate partner you need.

2. So if you meet a Scorpio or lots of them it means you are learning to use power for example.

3. When you have Capricorns in your life it is because at this stage of your life you are meant to learn about the discipline of God and that discipline refers to business too.

4. When you need to refine your life you meet classy Libra’s,

5. Want to get something done ASAP- Aries

6. And so on and so on

7. When you attract a lot of your own sign i.e.: You area Sagittarius and you meet lots of Sagittarius it has to do with your being what you came here to be. It also helps to balance you as your own sun sign comes into your life to re"mind "you who you are deep down.
8. This is pure logic. The massive ocean is affected by the moon and the planets in a particular alignment !!!Get a clue. We are 90% water logically it has to affect us also.
Another guide as to where you are is what are others doing that are around you? What kinds of friends do you have? What are they constantly talking about that you wish to avoid that seems to bother you (that is a clue too) or what is it you need to put your attention to or away from?
That will also give you a clue as to where you are on the compass.

Need to accomplish something in your life but do not know how?

Better than intend it specify it !

Study the signs and just think on them, see what they have to offer and are attracted to and bring them in. It is that simple. It is like fishing in the zodiac for whatever it is you need to learn and when.
Here is a
brief list of the qualities of each sign :
Absolute fearlessness, even ferocity, Mars also represents energy, ambition, and action. Simple need to get something done? Find an Aries.
Want it yesterday? Find an Aries

Symbolize peace and love. Builder, restorer, and painstakingly patient, open-armed kindness, love to hug and be hugged. Forthright in your conversation. Need to make a point with love? Find a Taurus. Want to make a presentation at your corporation but lack courage or fear you may e perceived in a not positive light? Find a Taurus. Creativity, friendship. Stability.
Note: For business presentations find a Capricorn or Virgo. They are detail babies.

Want clarity? Want mindful l quick solutions or just tactful way to say things clearly? Find a Gemini. Want to defend yourself precisely? Speak with intention and clarity? Want to break free of your boring life? Find a Gemini. Need a different honest perspective? Find a Gemini. Want to change your personality and be more open? Find a Gemini. Need variety? Find a Gemini. Want to create a big presentation? Find a Gemini or Saggie they can help you pull it off.
Need sensitivity training, sweetness, kindness, and an ear that will listen? Cancers. Compassion masters. But beware if they sink into their shells.
How about leadership qualities? Find a Leo. These kitties are fierce but can be loyal to you and to themselves. Highly intelligent and friendly. Want to pull off something really , really big? Find a Leo.
When it has to be done right and perfect and precise find a Virgo. They go out of their way to be of service to others. Analysis and logic—details more than any other sign Have great work ethics, disciplined, highly organized, go the extra mile-Virgos
Friendly, warm and gentle. Need beauty and romance and friendship? Have to decorate ? Need balance, Harmony? Libra’s strength. Want absolute sweetness? Libra. Kindness? Libra’s . Just want beauty or beautiful? Libra’s always. Diplomat. Want conflict resolution? Libra’s are masters at finding a happy medium, harmony, and balance.
They are power, love, passion and if you find yourself with nothing they are ones to make you create from nothing ANYTHING. Just be loyal to them and they will place the world at your feet. Yes you can trust Scorpies if you are trustworthy. You will always get a straight no nonsense answer from a Scorpie. They are choosy who they give their time too. But they are worth all of your effort. Purposeful energy. Natural alchemists.
Sagittarius: Think big, the whole world is your playground, and everyone is your friend. You have no time or interest in details—save that for Virgo—you see the big picture, and you think in bold strokes. Are you bored? Want to solve a problem? Find a fund loving Sag. Just need a
good friend? Need a change of pace, space and to be cheerful? Find a Sag. Want the truth about anything? Find a Sag. Feel lost with no direction? These archers are direction masters they can steer you in the right direction. Passionate little critters and they are fun bedmates. Problem solvers, great mentors, speakers. Their tongues dance of truth and integrity. Logical and convincing speakers.

Not sure if you have what it takes to get it done? Find a goat. Want intimacy, find a goat. Not sure how to start that business venture or how to keep it once you start it? Find a goat. Status and wealth. Find a goat. You will like them once you get past their stoic nature. They are so wonderful. Did you recently move and not sure what to do? Find a goat. No matter where they are they can accomplish anything and do. They embody the phrase" Grow where you are planted. " They are very centered. Love sparingly but when they do, they do 100%.
The world's humanitarians. Want to make a difference for the betterment of humankind? Need political or social leadership skills? Want to start a cause? A Health clinic to help others? Logical, scientific mind.
Wow. They have no boundaries. Joy for life. The most free-spirited sign of all, and the most aware of experiencing all that life has to offer, right here right now. They are clear and precise and smoky lovers and friends. They love you down to the core. They see no obstacles, if you do they tell you exactly how to get around them. Always keep these fish babies around they are marvelous. Hint: Be patient, forgiving and make sure your kind to them. Naturally more intuitive than all other signs—perhaps even psychic.

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