Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Is there a Mad Hatter in your life?
The Mad hatters, we have all met them, lived with them, worked with them and just want to get away from them. You know the ones that distract you from your life. It’s like they do not have a real life of their own. “Look at me, pay attention to me types.” Infested with the Narcissistic virus “you are now captured, clinging like the dingle berry. Good grief, it has got to stop. 

How to recognize if you have one or several of these wacko bunnies messing with you in your enviromenet. The signs are all around. You are normally punctual, they make you late. You pay your bills on time, they don't  They lie, make excuses and smear your life. Just what the hell is wrong with this picture? But you can’t quite put your finger on it. Like a bad meal that upsets your stomach but you cannot remember what you ate that did it. That is Mad-Hatter

The Mad-hatters Types
The micro managing boss that looks for the spec of evidence on your desk that you were not giving every minute of your breathing to work there LOL. Oh please explain to me why you took such a long potty break? Years ago I came real close to describing just why I had the runs every time I looked at my micro boss and how they could benefit the world and flush themselves down the toilet.  

Or the boyfriend who drags you down the rabbit hole so many times you’re like on this frickin roller coaster up and down emotionally, sexually and spiritually. That was fun at first. Then you wake up feeling addicted to them. This one is the tricky one to get away from. They are sooo good at “THAT” you wish they could just keep their mouth shut while you are in the delight of the act. Or better yet offer them a sock. I did once. I said “baby you know I am a little kinky, how about I put a sock in your mouth that really excites me” ahah the idiot bought it. !!!

Let’s not miss the one child who causes so much drama in your life you wonder if you had remembered to change their poopy diapers when they were babies. This is a rough one as there are so many questions you ask yourself. You beat your sweet brain delving like hawks fishing in the ocean “why, what did I do that they are pulling my mommy strings? Why me? Why don’t they push someone else’s strings?
You try to point just what the hell is wrong with the picture but can’t quite put your finger on it. This one is best handled like I did. Say in as pleasant a voice (yes I know you want to tell them off but don’t) say “honey in all fairness to my other children, yes I have other children remember your other brothers and sisters I cannot devote my entire life paying attention to mostly you,” that is not fair , I have other kids too . That line works pretty good.

Or the drama roommate. I call them affectionately “Draino.”The kind that manipulates you. They are infested with the Narcissistic virus and every moment of your waking life is to serve >>> them. Yes they ask you for advice. You offer, they totally ignore what you said. When it comes to paying the bills you are politely texting, calling trying to be responsible and they pull you down the rabbit hole. You’re like “ Wow do I need to help you be an adult?”
Be careful this is a nasty Mad Hatter. Difficult to get rid of but you have to. They force you to smudge your house and yourself over and over . They appear as Mad hatters but they are MAD HATERS. The victim lack of gratitude stench is all over them.  The world owes them. You just happen to be their world at the moment.  You have to transition these types out of your life. You can’t just get rid of them they are karma Carpet Baggers. In no way would I recommend doing the Madam Dufarge from the Tale of two Cities  “Guillotine , guillotine  off with their  heads . This will just bring another in your life. The best way to fight their virus is gratitude. Say thank you, I appreciate the karmic lesson. Or better yet pray for their happiness “away from you.”  Chant that they find their perfect roommate that is happy to eat their needy soup. You do not want another bowl. No thank you.

I am fortunate enough to have a new roommate now that brings her big girl panties with her. Yippie  

My King Arthur and I did this ping pong thing at first. I must confess I was so busy I really could not answer his calls some times. I would actually disconnect my phone. OR blow heavily into it like there was static. Shit, one time I actually carried a paper bag and crunched it as we were speaking on the cell. “Honey I can’t hear you. Baby what did you say?” Hahah I can be such an eccentric independent bitch to a fault. He is just a passionate guy. I said once that the only thing I wanted clinging to me is my panties. He actually saw through all my crap and said to me point blank” Mama, you can plug your cell phone up your ass to make sure it is charged from now on.” Opps busted. He is now my forever bunny honey.

Good luck with all this.

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