"If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain "
" I didn't say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth."
We've survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys. Which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.
I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
In the beginning we were all created with the same nervous system that functions to this day in the same way. Lets start there.
Now this same nervous system has as its communication system the liquid the goo of all our thoughts inner, outer and yes the thoughts of those around us or energetically picking up on the signal, our transmitters, our radio station.. FM 100 ME.
So now with that in mind, LOL and throughout our entire body and being are these embedded karmic emotions both known and unknown to us on a conscious and sub conscious level. Lets say many of us know this. True. But to know is one thing and to change this process or rather to upgrade YOU is another story.
Ok. So here is the true story above about the science factors. Now for the not yet known , which are getting proven everyday to be the real determinants of our karma. Consider we are here as image makers, creators. And in this creation every single cell in our body has all information.When we create these children within us, we give it human parentage.I used to think of them as children, my children I created, but some of these kids within us grow up and get pretty pesky, loud and inner speak violence at times.
So , since I AM, and have always been a solution based person I came up with some techniques that will sure fire, right as rain take you from meltdown to magnificent.
Think of your life as a set of icons on your life computer. Everything you do and others in your life click on these icons. They trigger and run the program . That is when you realize you are out of control. They have pushed your buttons, your ICONS and run the program without your consent in your body. "Oh no you didnt go there" ahahh.
So if you have ever experienced this take heart it can change. It will take some effort on your part. Make yourself the priority.
Start here: You must understand from the depths of you that you will need to go down the rabbit hole. I mean deep down. Never ever go down without a lifeline. You may get stuck in all your crap and never come out. That is why people have anxiety attacks.
Process: The lifeline is to take responsibility for all your shit. I mean all of it. Until you do you are the porta potty. You own it you created it, these are your kids, grown , not grown, nasty mean thoughts kids, viciousness adult kids, autistic kids, sociopath kids and adults you gave human parentage too Yes you got them all. So accept and forgive yourself. I mean not like a victim thing. You must be open to receive this . You will get to love this process just this part is an ouchy. Yes you sweet creator time to recreate.
Next face your I am sorry ass to a mirror and say to yourself, I LOVE YOU, I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND THANK YOU. What that will do is to open you to receive Love of yourself ( you will need this big time), forgiveness for yourself, "I am sorry" will allow you to take responsibility for this, and last and most important GRATITUDE. The word gratitude is grace . It represents the grace of God. It releases you from human bondage because for the first time you are no longer a victim. You are grateful which magnetizes goodness, it transmits good frequency and allows you to receive higher more productive frequencies.You can also find an old picture of yourself and say this that works too.
Then you become the landlord of your home, your body mind. You have been the manager all along and did not even know it. This is your damn house and anybody, any energies that you allowed to live there within you are living there rent free inside you sucking you up.
SOOOOOOOOOO like any good landlord of the slums.. EVICT THEM. Hand each and everyone you got, you can find, you can think of or have blamed for screwing up your life and give them a notice. 24 hr , 72 whatever you think you need.
You then become the inner sheriff and enforce this.
THIS IS VITAL: When ever you evict you must replace or a void is created that is set up with the same frequencies to attract all over gain. You will get the same type of inner slum tenant living within back unless you are fully aware of this.
The eviction notice must be kind, You are here in violation of keeping me form getting rich etc etc. you are here in violation for my being fat your are here......you get the picture. .
Now you must stop being a slum landlord and get better quality tenants. That will take work and time but since you are the leasing manager of your life and you created the space they live in at least have some respect for the good they provided. There is always good. There is always benefit whether you see it now or later.
Take for example the wife whose husband left her unexpectedly. She is and has been perilously angry, degraded. So she determines to get a makeover figuratively. She becomes so beautiful and that ex drove her to push herself further. To go back to school, to become all the things he thought she was not. Amazing. See know you are grateful for the son of a bitch and maybe you are not even calling him names.
Then you can practice every night with all your days events demagnetizing the ones you have that day. Change the story of how it happened. Every day you must do this before you rest. This stops you from creating naughty feelings and thoughts even if you have had a bad day. You see that bad day creates too and will attract more for your porta potty if you do not handle it like this. It attracts the frequencies like itself.
Lastly and most important as well, hug yourself. I mean hug yourself. Not others hugging you, hug yourself. Pat your self on the back, on the ass whatever you feel makes you feel rewarded. Do something good for yourself everyday just for the effort you are putting forth. Take a long hot bath.
Then blank out. I mean go see a movie, a play, the opera, hiking , a concert. Do something fun. Or just lay in your PJ's loving yourself in your new home you created.
You are basically cleaning up your neuro network, resetting the secretions for optimum life function. Or to put in Feng Shui terms you are allowing chi to flow within, you are Feng shuing yourself. From ghetto to great. Yes baby it works.
Next I will write about what you must do to ADD or subtract such as friends, jobs, situations and close their account to your emotional bank. Face it many of us have friends or associate's that overdrafts us in one way or another. To them you will put them on notice of an overdraft. Since you set the rules to your life bank you can close their account up permanently or they will need to keep their account in your life in good standing.
I have also found Nalalie Ledwel, Rikka Zimmerman, Neville Goddard and especially John Dupuy brainwave technology to make this process faster and very effective. Do check them out . Meditation is key to calming your mind, the monkey mind.
John Dupuy of IAwake technologies will send you a free brain wave download to make the process easier. John said and I quote " The more coherent your entire system, the easier it is to cut through mental and emotional chaos. It can be like having your whole energetic system focused like a laser beam. The highly coherent biofield signals create a field that naturally attracts higher order and complexity out of chaos. " Meditation practice is like an emotional and spiritual roto-rooter."
I will write more about this but start here.
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