Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prize Fighter

Hurt? Be the Prize fighter

Have you thought that right after a break up, a divorce, an abandoned situation or a he/she just left me for no reason how vulnerable that makes you?
Thinking or maybe not, acting out is more likely what will happen next. How not to be rebound food. 

So you have been dumped, lost your love, your job or whatever then what happens next?

Something very vital must happen if you are to heal and heal sufficiently. To not rebound or take your drama baggage frequency and create another relationship like the one you had means being good to yourself now more than ever. It starts with an understanding that your are now in the ring . You must fight to get up, fight to make it work, fight to keep up your pretend for now self esteem in tact.

The Prize fighter spends all his/her life training and after a win or loss gathers themselves up and does it again . You are the same, no need to throw yourself under the buss. Trust me there will be others who with very little motivation are happy to oblige you. Start your new life with your middle finger waiting for them. 

Most important of all these things  is you must be kind to yourself, and not blaming yourself or judging that will keep you out of the victim triangle. Another vital survival tool is to respect time. You will recover, you were born without this person and you survived just fine before they were in your life. 

Expectations: Don't expect to get in the ring and win the first fight. That will take time. But by all means do get in the ring. Drop..Stop and drop you are not ready to win the fight you may get knocked out after a few rounds. But do get in the ring. You may only go a few rounds. be your corner manager, know when to ring the bell. retreat and fight again. You can do it. I promise

Now you can and must  become your own hero.

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