Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prize Fighter

Hurt? Be the Prize fighter

Have you thought that right after a break up, a divorce, an abandoned situation or a he/she just left me for no reason how vulnerable that makes you?
Thinking or maybe not, acting out is more likely what will happen next. How not to be rebound food. 

So you have been dumped, lost your love, your job or whatever then what happens next?

Something very vital must happen if you are to heal and heal sufficiently. To not rebound or take your drama baggage frequency and create another relationship like the one you had means being good to yourself now more than ever. It starts with an understanding that your are now in the ring . You must fight to get up, fight to make it work, fight to keep up your pretend for now self esteem in tact.

The Prize fighter spends all his/her life training and after a win or loss gathers themselves up and does it again . You are the same, no need to throw yourself under the buss. Trust me there will be others who with very little motivation are happy to oblige you. Start your new life with your middle finger waiting for them. 

Most important of all these things  is you must be kind to yourself, and not blaming yourself or judging that will keep you out of the victim triangle. Another vital survival tool is to respect time. You will recover, you were born without this person and you survived just fine before they were in your life. 

Expectations: Don't expect to get in the ring and win the first fight. That will take time. But by all means do get in the ring. Drop..Stop and drop you are not ready to win the fight you may get knocked out after a few rounds. But do get in the ring. You may only go a few rounds. be your corner manager, know when to ring the bell. retreat and fight again. You can do it. I promise

Now you can and must  become your own hero.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SPIRITUAL PROCTOLOGY 101- Clear the path

The Fuse Box

I was baffled. I could not figure out or see how significant the event was when my fuse box in my car got wet and it caused all kinds of car problems. There I stood in the rain getting soaked and wet in the windy Oregon coast removing the black cable from my car battery hopeful with the slim chance my car would start later. Now I understand when they say “ all is perfect and is as it should be.” At that time it sure did not feel like it. I came from a warm climate and was now freezing my ass at the beautiful coast. Why? Well I love my children they are here and I am so happy to be closer to them than 2000 miles away. Resolved not to give in to victim mentality I embraced the I can do this,  there is a reason , a good one I just do not know what it is yet. 

We call an event like this in Buddhism conspicuous and inconspicuous. That which is revealed now for your benefit and that which is revealed later, when it’s the right time.

For years I have studied with the masters, from the masters and the life of the masters, mentors, teachers from all walks of life. The Secret, the Hunna's. Well read in metaphysics, wealth consciousness, quantum physics scholar. That is good. However, nothing satisfied my thirst for answers until now. Not even the flowery, feel gooders in denial. You know the type, the Mr. Magoo type. I found them wasteful literally full of waste and trying to smell pretty using cute new age words. It stunk.
There are two mentors in my life which for two different reasons had a significant impact on my life. It changed me, right away with what they taught me.

One was Neville Goddard; his wisdom helped to create many mentors all over the world who achieved a higher life condition. Some of these mentors are from the movie The Secret and millions of others who have become successful. You can Google him .

The other is my friend the Grizzly who took me in when I was homeless. Grizzly taught me that regardless of how I felt about a situation I was going to arrive, get there anyway. So his wise words were since you are going to get there anyway may as well get there not stressed.

It is clear there is an  answer for everyone about everything for health, happiness, wealth. Yes I said everyone!!

Now that you read that how does that make you feel? Are you shocked? Do you think this is bullshit? Do you believe there are answers for your problem? Hell yes there are. . 

Here I give you the answers to life's most pressing issues, YOUR LIFE ANSWERS. Here is the recipe, unlike any recipe you have ever cooked; you are now cooking up an answer, a solution.

Ingredients: be present, be conscience, stick the denial in a drawer or up your patonka for a minute OK?

Take a problem, a worry, a concern, anything that you feel is pressing in your life,   in EFT emotional release technique it is called the MPI most pressing problem. Ok got stress about a problem an issue is it weight loss, lack of self esteem, financial safety? Good. Hold on to your hats honey.

Now know this: Every problem originated somewhere right? It had to have a beginning otherwise it is a dilemma, not a problem. A problem, an obstacle is a series of dilemmas, failed actions failed behaviors to correct the problem. For God’s sake something had to happen to create it.  

 Now I am going to show you how to get rid of it right now? And you of course you say" How do I do that" Or you tell me to go to hell, or whatever. Basically saying in a possessive way, YOU KNOW WHAT< THIS IS MY PROBLEM NOT YOURS OK? My answer to that is you have just accepted your problem, taken ownership of it and intensified your reasons for keeping it. Good luck with that.

Why have I taken you here so far? Simple
Within every problem is the solution, yes I said that. Look at Spontaneous healing . This confirms that years of disease or anything else can be removed instantly. Instantly because the cure was within the disease. Finally this phenomena confirms when a out of the clear blue sky a dying person or a supposedly dead person revives and comes back healthy and better than before. 

What amazes me is that this person had to suffer or actually die before they got it. Everything, absolutely everything that is to your well being is given to you. It all ready is there for you. God, the Universe, the Buddha (you) has provided it for you. One more time dear- Within the problem is the solution. But and a big BUTT why do you not see it, feel it, remove the stress or obstacle? Simple .. you are not open to receive.

If you have hurt or pain over a passing of a loved one are you open to receive what could stop your hurt or pain? If I gave you the solution to weight loss would you accept it?

Not really. Why? You are not at the frequency to be open to receive it. Your problem, stress, or issue creates a block, physically in your body. A headache sore spot at times, an illness. It is communicating with you for you to stop or start something yet you ignore it until it becomes critical.

Stay with me.

The Chinese of course set us up with the existence of meridians. Those meridians confirm pathways. Not just pathways, optimum function pathways . Think about it. Your are electrical and every day we are hooked up to any machines at a doctor’s office or anywhere try telling me you are not electrical? Then what are they recording  coming from your body?

So here it is. EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques. This technique clears the stress the pathways, the issues, one by one. It makes the fuse box work. It starts with the MPI of your choice. MPI = most pressing issue.

Today is 2/11/2013 I am starting today to become the best me I all ready am, now open to receive to what I ask for from my heart and soul. Watch me make it happen. MPI most pressing issue #1 financial stability, security, safety, above and beyond discretionary income. Wealthy. Watch me…