Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Its only words and words are all I have to show you that I care....

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Wednesday, March 14, 2012:
As SGI leaders, how we interpret the words of members and what we say in response is important. A genuine leader is someone who gives measured thought to such matters. When talking with individuals, ask yourselves: "What are they worried about?" "What are they trying to say?" "What are they thinking? "What is it they seek?" Try to discern these things in others. Try to know. Try to understand. This is the challenge of leadership. From such compassion arises wisdom.
I had to, with all my heart; include these words of wisdom from Sensei. Today was a day I learned much about others and how the Buddhist mirror of soul to soul works .

I attended an air force retirement party and ceremony for a Buddhist colleague of mine today form the air force.. While there many thoughts came to mind. I heard all of her accomplishments, her awards, and her years of 21 military air force times. I felt right along with her. When they said she did this and that and praised her I felt like I was living her life right alongside. When they spoke of Germany I could feel as if I was there. Italy? Yes I was there too at least in heart.

A brief rush came over me as I was sitting there trying so hard to be part of human interaction once more. I was recovering you see form a very serious pneumonia. But more than this... I was regretting not doing the things that I had wished when I was younger. You see by the time I had some sense about me it was too late to join the coast guard. I looked 25 but was 45 yrs old. 
I was snapped back to a different world with all these military people there. The way they communicated was so clear, so sincere so precise. I could almost measure the frequency, I felt the words they spoke amongst themselves and then with me. 
How can these people speak with such intensity, few words and clarity? After all I am a writer? I could only imagine that their ability to communicate so well, enjoy life so much is because on a day to day event they are at risk. Everyday our military is away they are at risk. Perhaps all this adrenaline, devotion to perfection, to discipline made them so special in my eyes.  

A perfect example of this was a very witty and profound man . In all sincerity I approached him during the event. I had a trigger, a heart tug that said that I needed to share with him about the new website I created. www.sgi-alamogordo.com. 

He was so grateful, so appreciative. I am going to write here what I remembered about the conversation: For purposes here I will refer to him as Colonel America. 
Me:"Hi there I have a website I created and wish to share with you so you can now teach yourself where ever you are in the world . You can read the daily guidance. You can learn the gosho, the writings of Nicherin .The entire website is fully translatable."
Colonel America: " I am really interested in keeping up with Buddhism. I really wanted to learn more about Buddhism. Thank you. That must of cost a fortune and so much work. "
Me: "No I created it." He looked at me in amazement. I said I was a webmaster. 
Colonel America: He looked so profoundly at me . In true Buddhist appreciation. As if I was so important. " That was allot of work. ". His eyes seemed so grateful. 
Me. "Yes it was but it was worth it. You will be able to see a video of the Taiko drums we will do with our youth group. And anywhere in the world you can now keep up with all the daily guidance and  learn and teach yourself.
Colonel America: "Even in Iraq? "
Me." Yes from  anywhere in the world you will have access. "
Colonel America:" I really like your energy."
Me: I was silent. I had no response outwardly. For a moment my mind flashed to my favorite of visions. A site I had seen as a little girl and again in New Orleans. A Tug boat pulling a big battleship. But I kept silent. I just smiled.

To describe the gratitude in his eyes in words here is hard. But let me try. Here is a  man.. A beautiful man ( I say this respectfully) who at any moment can be here today gone tomorrow. Who in such few words I read as someone looking for inner peace. Does he see he has all ready reached this in my eyes? Here I was seeking appreciation and needing kindness from being so ill. He made me feel so important. I guess we both found what we were looking for in the mirror of our souls. Buddhism is like that.
I came home and chanted in front of the Gohonzon for his safety. I prayed that he would be protected no matter where he was. . I am so glad to have met him for in seeking appreciation and gratitude for my life I instead gave it... and received it from giving. Thank you Colonel America.

Crucial Moment  決定的瞬間
A tear came to my eyes as I thought about Sensei, SGI President Ikeda. I thought of my dear friend a leader Kayoko who I love so much. Maybe I should start crying now at least once a week , or once a month so when they pass my heart will not break , would not shatter in pieces from their being gone. Maybe if I feel the loss a little in doses I can survive being in this world without them?
This part of my life is so hard to explain. I have friends who bring me ginger ale...oranges , apples and care for me when I am ill. I have been such a friend to others in [past years but had not till now experienced all this in return.
This letter is for Ecu, my brave jitterbugger 89 year old Japanese friend, for Kayoko where there are no words to say thank you ... but please thank you so much for being so good to me, the red scarf was to keep you warm and safe so you never get ill, , for Hiroko my movie star that I so love. For Sacheko who is so wonderful...and giving Buddhist leader. To Mayumi for her brave story which inspired me. I love her feisty nature she is like me.
I give my appreciation now to all of you while I still can reach out and laugh, and jitterbug  with you and learn Japanese. 

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