Lady Shui
Feng Shui Guide , Frequency Mentor, Writer, Trance writer, Medical Intuitive, Innovator, Promoter , Healer
What is a BAGUA: It is a life compass.
Wikipedia defines the Bagua map as an energy map. A tool used to map a room or location and see how the different sections correspond to different aspects in one's life. These sections called “guas” are believed to relate to every area or aspect of life and are divided into such categories as fame, relationships/marriage, children/creativity, helpful people/travel, career, inner knowledge, family/ancestors/health, and wealth/blessings.
But the Bagua is much more than that. It is a life force energy map of optimum colors and frequencies in perfect balance that can be used to create balanced flow of Chi, Prana, in a human being as well as homes, land , families, and business entities. The Bagua is also a map of protection, direction and geomancy. Inherent within the map you also find the directions such as North , South, East, West and their frequencies, the balance of Yin , female energy and Yang, the male energy, within us and all things.
Have you ever looked at something so many times, a movie, a book and had that Ahaa moment? This time there was something so profound , so simple, that you wondered how you did not see it the first time you fell in love with Feng Shui. Ok since we become what we focus on and this has become the mainstream, then how about you focus on this truth? YOU ARE THE BAGUA.
We are the BAGUA. Look at the diagram. See the body parts. What happens when we see this body in the Gua? We realize that focusing attention and even meditating on the BAGUA we become “one with the BAGUA”.
Like the movie The Secret, every direction begins to manifest in perfect order for you. Let’s try this for two weeks. Meditate on the BAGUA. The whole Ba Gua. What starts to unfold before you is that somehow you start being connected to the body area, colors and situations that repair that very same area you consider having problems with in your life. All of a sudden the astrological sign that dominates that skill comes into your life. The situation begins to right itself . This is possible when you are open to receive, when you meditate on the BAGUA it helps you become the Whole person you deserve and want to display to the world. That whole person everyone wonders about, ask questions about. You act, think and are now congruent in word and deeds.
Being congruent is synonymous with harmony. When we are in balance, in harmony we become “ the prayer”. Da Vinci knew this when he drew the interdimensional man.
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