Monday, January 17, 2011

The Dream Unfolds

Questions are the answers. Questions are the laser of human consciousness, you can use their power to cut through any obstacle or any challenge. A well placed question can change your life in a moment. Thus you can contemplate any aspect of your life and change any aspect to success. The primary difference between successful people and those that are not is that “Successful people ask better questions and as a consequence gotten better answers.  Unknown Author

Recently a respected acquaintance of mine and I were having a discussion about 'Sin" and its meaning. I said that I thought sin was not being true to yourself and that anything that did not increase your life force was a sin. I also stated that you can only hit a target if you have one and that the sin is not having one, a target.

I was amazed at his response. His very profound statement was that originally the word sin meant that you missed the mark, the target. Wow.

This took me back when I was a philosophy scholar. At a very young age I was awake. I mean kundalini awake in every way. I was led to many studies such Theosophy, Kabala, Hinduism early Christianity and much more at the age of 12.

So I did what any kid would do. I started to ask questions, meditate, observe a day of silence so I could tune into ‘Angel FM”

Then my life as a 12 year old ended and now I was that old soul again. My life became dramatic, sometimes traumatic swimming the moat. The moat is actually a training ground for you to learn and refine the questions so you can create the form. The movie the Secret is all about creating the form by changing the frequency of the current thought to one that helps you hit the target. The target is what you really want to accomplish , what you really desire to make happen.

I will talk more about this in a moment for now back to the relevance in asking “the right questions.”

Since time itself we have all asked the question "What am I here for? What am I supposed to be doing here with my life? Others? How? When? Why me? And the worse of all : Not knowing. The ? Question mark itself.

I call these the juicy spiral equation creating questions, non productive questions that keep you in limbo or rather not getting what you really want. Consider that the best questions give you the best results and that takes training, discipline, spiritual practice, and spiritual proctology too.

Now for a slight spiritual proctology session. For you to achieve you must cleanse. Ok precisely what does that refer too? No you are not dirty, it means you have been, still are or venture on nonproductive behaviors and questions which yield less than satisfactory results.
Look at all the millionaires and billionaire blueprints. Most have swam the moat and been broke, homeless, crushed  to achieve higher more harmonious frequencies. The practice of Budhism for my self and many others does the same.

Look at the profile of so many famous Buddhist, Tina Turner, Herbie Hancock, and many more. What do they have in common? What they have in common is that meditation chanting, Budhism creates a vortex or what I call a frequency spinning tunnel. In that tunnel when you chant alter frequencies, your life force and through displace and study create the life you truly desire.

One particular type of Budhism called Nicherin Budhism has you repeat over and over the chant “ Nam Myoho Renge Kyo’ This when translated means devotion to the mystic LAW OF SOUND. The sound is referring to frequency. As a Buddhist myself and a rebel at times I have found that chanting leads to this place, this vortex where manifestation, MAGIC happens. A common occurrence for Buddhists to better our lives and view the moat as our training ground and playground. .

Take action to polish the mirror of your soul and when you do you can help humanity do the same. EE Song on  Nicherin  Budhism

Thoughts become things…. Mike Dooley

Thoughts have a certain sound” that being the equivalent to a form”. Through sound and motion you will be able to create. He, who can destroy the thing, controls the thing. Dune, Paul Moadib
Arrakis ... Dune ... home of the spice, greatest of treasure in the universe. And he who controls it, controls our destiny. (Planet Arrakis :   
Princess Irulan, Frank Herberts Dune
So in Budhism we are known for doing that precisely “turning poison (missing the mark, the sin, that which holds you back, not hitting the target ) into medicine(. That which is good for you and increases your life force.)

The question is the answer, the question has the secret, the frequency your mission, should you chose to accept it is to find the question behind the question and get you the right answers. Simple.

The sound coming out of your mouth, the words you speak and those you do not but think and the sound of your voice or that of others who have programmed you inside of your head… this is what must change to calm so you can hear your hearts desires. Witt this tool you no longer here the conversations within and a stillness, a peace, an ability to create magic like nothing you have ever experienced begins to unfold. The dream itself unfolds.

To Change the subject now slightly but still relevant to frequency.

 I will talk about a recent book and movie that is very popular “Eat , pray, Love . What does this have in common with the former views here?

Well the author literally talks about how she swam the moat in her life. It takes her to a transformation of a painful divorce to a world of pleasure, spiritual pain, cleansing and “The castle” .Swimming in the moat and finding happiness through these practices of Hinduism, Budhism chanting meditation and acquiring the discipline to create a better, happier life for her and her loved ones.
At the end of the movie she says she discovered that God, the Ati Buddha, dwells within her as her and if you view everyone and everything as a teacher you have had on your path then the answers will not be denied to you. , the truth will be reveled to you.

Here is the truth, . We all are born with a target, a blueprint. To see the target sometime we have to swim the moat, to get out of the moat you must polish the mirror of your soul.

A new technique is also using a biofeedback machine, Many are familiar that a biofeedback device is designed to give you a full analysis of your frequencies in every aspect. Health, mind, chakras, everything. But what most are beginning to discover and was known by ancient societies, Rosicrucian Egyptian Mayan, Early Christianity, CSI Conglomeration of Santeros International ( Healers, Psychic surgeons etc.) and more  is that everything has a frequency, and EVERY THING IS ENERGY ( Professor Einstein , quantum physics, Dr. Boem: The Holographic Universe on Quantum Energy). Thoughts have a frequency, disease has a frequency, and everything is about frequency.

Many doctors are using this biofeedback for analysis and some for treatment. You see the biofeedback registers frequencies but also can ALTER frequencies. Yes you read exactly what I wrote. The biofeedback when programmed by a trained technician can detect ambient non productive frequencies and be used to alter and or alert you of less harmonious mind, body spiritual, chakras misaligned, disease and frequencies of any kind in relation to you.  Yes that is what I said. That means you, your family, everyone you know can now benefit from biofeedback balancing, healing of just about anything.

It can do this with you hooked up to the machine directly or remotely if you are not physically present. If you want to learn more contact our sanctuary for more information.

God create the moat to train the faithful, one cannot go against the word of God. When you miss the target, which is the sin of which all religions speak of. So stop sinning, find the target. You can only hit a target when you have one. To find it learn to ask the right questions. First you must know, and then you can choose. Get a biofeedback machine for faster results here: , donate here at the top right button for our continued research and help with at risk youth, healing modalities and family harmony.

Quantum Leap Sanctuary, New Mexico
Mission Statement: We are The Quantum Leap Sanctuary of Alternative methods of being. We incorporate Native American, Ancient Sciences and New age technologies to assist families and children with better choices to reach their highest potential.

Executive Director
EE Song

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Self Appointed Online Dating Broker .

Why do we do things? BECAUSE WE CAN. So as a self appointed member of monarchy I hereby declare myself as the New and one and only Self Appointed online dating broker. Hey someones gotta do it.

This is a good one. He is on Plenty of Fish and in his own words. He is from El Paso Texas. Love those big hunk Texas boys.


1/11/11 It seems that women I meet are surprised that I'm respectful, I have a since of humor, I cook, I'm drama free and from what I hear...a decent kisser. OK... A good kisser. I'm just curious as to what kind of men are you meeting on here. Just don't fall for me because I'm different from the typical........... Am I that different from the norm? Hope so.....

Better a memory than a wish....Better a moment that did exist...... Let's see..... I'm a photographer, a cook, a musician, a handyman, a lover, a soft ear with a firm shoulder, a comedian, a giver, a son, a brother and most of all...A father to three of God's greatest gifts' to me. Now that I'm all alone in this big house.... what to do? I've been very busy with my photography business Snap Shotz Photography. In my spare time I love to cook and bake or be out in the garage building something. I'm always trying out some new recipe whether it's for dinner or a new recipe to improve my life. If I ever send you and invitation for dinner you better take me up on it. Meals come with dessert and wine. Sometimes music and candle light. Funny...I was so surprised that some of the women I have met said that no man has ever made dinner for them. I don't mean hamburger helper either..... I've met some wonderful and some not so wonderful people over the years. The bottom line is I've met some people. I've learned a lot from them and I'm thankful for them to cross my path. I do hope I find that someone that curbs my appetite...instills sleepless nights...fills my day with dreaming....and never tires with the sound of her name as it whispers repeatedly across my lips. I know she's out there....

I'm not opposed to a long distance relationship if you're willing to put forth the effort. After all..... the one you may be looking for can't be in your backyard or you wouldn't be here fishing........

As for my photography? You can view my work at the following:

First Date
Pray she doesn't have an Adams apple.......

First dates are simple.... I think most people get to nervous because they have expectations of how they should act. I'm always down for a cup or three of coffee in a relaxed environment. You can learn a lot from a person from simple conversations. My expectations on a first date is to be myself. And for the person I meet to just be the person they are. One doesn't want to be asking themselves later..."what happen to that person I met?" I do believe one should go the extra step to be presentable but I'm more comfortable getting to know the "real" you. If you're not one to get all dressed up normally then put on those comfortable sweats and let's go from there. Unless we're heading out to the Plaza for fabulous play. After all....a strong foundation of a friendship can lead to the solid foundation that any relationship needs. Just one more note.... Don't let anyone have you believing that a relationship is 50/50. Would you only want 50% from your partner? It must be a minimum of 100% from each of us. That ol' saying "It's better to give than to receive"..... It's not just for shiny presents with cute little bows. Meet me on the River Walk in San Antonio for dinner.... Meet me at Six Flags and spend the day riding roller coasters... Pack a lunch and lets enjoy a great picnic overlooking the Grand Canyon...

Think carefully before you crown him "the King your King"

This online dating thing gets more interesting and there are some promises you make to those you meet that you simply cannot keep.

I tend to be staunch in keeping promises but when it involves the well being of others that is when I must relinquish my pinkie swear like right now.

As a reporter I was interested in my story of online dating. Till.. well till he caught my eye. And then all thoughts stopped for a moment and I was caught by my own net. And worse I did not want to leave until.. well.. until the King , I thought, removed his crown to reveal he was simply just a man in search of companionship and other goodies I was not quite yet about to forfeit. Close, but not yet.

OK the details.
I was asked out on a date with another fellow whom I stood up as my energy was pulled in a particular direction of a witty and handsome fellow who was focused in getting me to respond. Mind you it was not, nor he is not the average lug on these dating sites he is quite a charmer.

So I agreed , went to coffee and well three years later of being single there I was kissing a perfect 6 foot, hazel eyed Harley stranger on a plateau coffee house. Honestly you would have kissed him too. Drop dead gorgeous.Oh yes he kissed me first a few times.

This was new to me but ok. He called me later and I enjoyed that.
The following day after a few business partner disappointments where I had to let go of one business partner for a current project I called him.

It was lovely to speak to him. He seemed so much like the King , even looked like all of them. What does all of them mean?
Well many years ago a medicine man told me that a true love is one who looks like everyone you've ever loved and this one sure did. Not scary for me but for him I think.

So back at the I called him. He asked me over and we talked about kisses and personal male female things so I did what any sane female would do. I got dressed fixed my makeup and decided to just spend the night kissing the King.

When I arrived at first he seemed distant. He described his situation as he was not serious about a relationship with anyone as his ex wife was arriving in the morning " to stay at his house" as  they had business to conduct.Hmm I thought what kind of business is that? If he had met me and I said my ex was coming over to spend the night would he have liked that?

Well he proceeded to tell me he was not attracted to me, (I sure thought he liked those kisses at the plateau coffee house, he mentioned several times he did) that was confusing. I must admit when he related his ex wife and him knew each other since 11th grade I could feel a sadnesscome over me for him.

The sadness was here is this gorgeous man, getting crumbs like a pigeon from his ex wife and crumbs from women online who date him, but do not commit to at least love this hunk who deep down is a great guy.

Honestly, I think his conscience in my regard got the best of him He saved me from himself and his baggage. His confession was his way of saying " you're one of the good ones Evelyn, and I am not good for you".

I hope he saves himself by one day finding he deserves better than crumbs from strange woman who do not value him and being a convenience to his ex wife.

Things I love about myself: When I am done...I am done. To waste energy on reigniting past relationships is like lighting a fire with wet matches " it just ain't gonna light baby".

Monday, January 10, 2011

Meltdown to Magnificent: Intro & Chapter 1- Michael The Sailor

As a woman and a writer it is fitting that I write for the whole world to see. This is just a part of what makes our world tick tock and is specifically a treatise for my sisters who are now online looking for love.

Men these days are different and as a self appointed member of monarchy myself LOL I am looking for and not settling for less than the king himself. What and whom is that King?

The King is whomever he wants to be. A normal wonderful confident man who is at least open to clearing his closet for someone like me. We all have baggage but some carry it better than others and some finally figure out that no one else is responsible and does not have to be exposed or found guilty of someone else's issues.

Like the book "Eat Pray Love " which I loved and highly recommend we are all here to allow God to dwell in us. That whole movie was about God expressing through us and how he/she wants to be loved to experience love through each and every one of us. So there, I said it. God wants us to have relationships and rise above to reach the highest love.

Today ladies I answered a sweet and very handsome man back who at first caught my eye as a person and not research. I must admit I was interested but a bit shaken with his reference to his ex wife's infidelity right off the bait on HIS profile. I just wanted to shake him and say Honey, I am not that unfaithful woman-Baby I am a good one. Please remove that shirt you are wearing that says" victim" .

At my best I did answer him back a final message with advice and love so that maybe he will get it. Maybe he will accept his responsibility in what happened to him as we all must. What prompted my last response to him with Plenty of Fish online dating was that when I sent him an honest interest response he sent me one back of " yes when I find my wife I will use your gift for this". OMG how insensitive is that, he will use my luck I gave him to find someone else. Is that sad or what. Does he now see I was interested and a great catch?
Guess not ladies so here goes my response to Michael the Sailor who thanked me for the gift I sent of caring to give to someone else:

"Dear Sailor that is good to sail in the sand but not to bury your heart or head there.
Better way to find love is awareness, kindness for we never know who we are talking too and what they have been through. Truly that is a small part. For to really love you must focus on your new life, with that new person and maybe mention once what happened, not more.

Darling I am a writer so please accept that I am here for that purpose. I am open to that alpha male but am also driven, focused but there is a difference between us. What is that?

My darling it is called awareness and kindness. First I am kind to myself by being honest.
Second to say to one woman that you are looking for another is a bit hurtful and I am sorry you have not met me because the picture does not do me justice and both inside and out I am beautiful, for real and normal unlike some here.

I had hoped you would take the time to get to know me, now that will not happen because I will not let that happen. I am opening a center here called Quantum Leap Sanctuary a healing, self love spa and youth center.
Never my dear portray yourself as victim because you will attract that. No matter what happens you must be private about your ex infidelity's till you meet that wonderful other person. I know that you are hurt so was I.
I was the one on the receiving end of a focused, driven heartless Libra. He even stole my children who have since returned. In time he grew to be a great father at the risk of us almost losing one of our children from the trauma of the divorce.
So guard yourself and your children because not all here are as loving and good as I am. :Like King Solomon I was the mother who sacrificed all to save her children and for my ex to be successful. Sacrificing? That included being in a coma, almost losing my life to save my son, my beautiful curly red locks hair falling out last year which is now growing nicely. Picture on my blog.
The Boat that passed you by